School Trips in Cadiz

Our team has more than 10 years of first-hand experience working with schools from United States, United Kingdom and Europe. We developed a course that includes comfortable transfers throughout the area, secure accommodation in Cadiz city, communicative Spanish classes and additional activities and excursions, meeting the home school standards and delivering a rewarding experience for both students and teachers.

First and foremost, our priority is the safety and well-being of the school group throughout their stay in Spain. Therefore, we organise all the details of the trip in advance together with the home school. During the trip, a local coordinator will always accompany and look after the school group by being available at all times and always on call.

We host school trips year-round, but on specific dates shown on the quote request online form. On top of providing high-end quality in each area of the school trip, we also do this at the most accessible price in the market. Quotes are available upon request.


Most transfers within Spain are done by private bus. However, as we are centrally located, it’s also possible to access Cadiz Train and Bus Station, and the local port on the Bay of Cadiz within a few minutes (walking distance). This adds a safe and hassle-free alternative to the transfers, and it also helps reduce the cost per student considerably.

At the moment MFL only offers transfers in Spain and does not organise flights to and from a local Spanish airport.


Selected Spanish host families for school trips have been a part of our community for the last 9 years. All Spanish host families comply with our security, welfare and housing requirements. MFL developed a close relationship with established families in Cadiz by both teaching English to local students and working alongside university and community projects.

Other accommodation include hostels, hotels and the local Cadiz University Residence.

Spanish classes

Custom made Spanish classes, planned in advance together with the home school. Their length and content can be adjusted to meet the needs of the home school students. Our qualified Spanish teachers follow the communicative approach, encouraging students to use the language they are learning and identify specific objectives, and challenging everyone to achieve their academic potential. Young learners are carefully guided to discover and express a positive attitude towards the language, while teenagers and adults are given specific tools to further ellaborate on the use of the language and to express it with confidence. As well as monitoring the development of the students’ receptive and productive skills and organising thourough exam practice sessions, our Spanish classes help expand their vocabulary and grammar scope.


A great way to complement the cultural immersion in Cadiz city. All activities are led by our experienced local coordinator and were planned to maximise the student’s exposure to the local language. Among other activities, we offer:

  • Surf Course
  • Paddle Surf Course
  • Tide Walk
  • Tennis & Paddle Course
  • Golf Course
  • Flamenco Course & Show
  • Theatre & Poetry Club
  • Cadiz Tour
  • Urban Bike Tour
  • Tapas & Wine Tasting


Cadiz province offers a diverse range of settings, adding on even more value to the language learning experience. Some of the excursions led by the local coordinator take the school group to San Fernando, El Puerto de Santa María, Jerez de la Frontera, Chiclana de la Frontera, Conil de la Frontera, Vejer de la Frontera and the famous “pueblos blancos” (White Villages). Other excursions take place in Seville, Cordoba and Tangier (Morocco).

To apply for a School Trip, please complete the online form on the page REQUEST A QUOTE.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our team through the page CONTACT US or using the contact details found at the top of the website.